Thursday, March 8, 2012

Aminah M - A Silenced Cry (domestic violence)

Aminah Muhammad
English 2
Mr. Dalsis

A Silenced Cry

               As you open the door on your way home from school, you breathe a heavy sigh of concern, irritation, and hurt. There's glass everywhere and your mom is weeping with bruises and blood all over her body. Your stepfather is punching her as she yells for help and begs him to stop. You've tried to stop the chaos before, but just made it worse, so you run upstairs to your room. For the rest of the night, you cry and cry as you listen to your mother's helpless pleas, asking him to stop...... He doesn't until two hours later... What are the causes of domestic violence? What are the short and long term effects on it to the people in the situation? This is what my cause and effect essay will be about.

Causes: Why Did He Hit Her In the First Place.....?

              A lot of times people hurt their loved ones because of something that happened to them in their younger years. One cause could be that they were abused as a child by someone that meant a lot to them, like their mom or dad. When they get older, they turn on the world and think that they can make themselves feel better by making someone who loves them feel small and powerless. But, the truth is, it's only making things worse. People like this need counseling and some other way to get their anger out. Another cause could be that they have low self-esteem or they are jealous of their partner. When your jealousy goes too far, you try to make sure the one you're jealous of has NOTHING. That way, you have power over them. My last cause is that they are alcoholics and they do things without thinking because they are drunk or high from drugs.

Short Term Effects: The Physical Scars

               Of course, right after the victim of a violent situation is abused, they are bruised and scarred up. Sometimes they might just have a small scratch or a black eye, but other times they have more serious things. These are things that they really should be going to the hospital for, like being shot, stabbed, punched one too many times, among other things. But they are afraid to go to a medical facility because 1) their abuser will be angry they left the house at all or 2) the doctors and nurses will ask what happened, and if they tell their partner hurt them, the abuser will beat them even worse. 

Long Term Effects: The Mental Scars, the Children

               One of the worst effects are on the children. In most situations, domestic violence is not a one time thing. As a child, your life from birth until the time you get out of your parents' home are like a total nightmare. You run away, you try to protect your mom and get hurt yourself, or you stay and have to watch the person you care about the most attempt to survive in a living hell. Because of this, children of abusers often grow up to be abusers themselves because they don't know how to love, and all they have ever seen is causing pain to another person. Another long term effect is on the victim. They are scared to death about their abuser coming after them and think they have no choice but to stay. They want to be there for their children and be a hero. But the truth is that it's just not that easy.


               I had a friend who came to school one day with a really bad scar on his neck. He always went to the social worker and never told me and my other friends what was going on at home. One of our teachers finally told us what happened. My friend's mother was getting abused by his dad, and he tried to help her. His dad ended up stabbing him in the neck. We all felt that this could never happen in real life, but reality hit us. If you know someone who is in a situation like this, go to an adult for help, and try to get police or something to help them. You don't have to call 911 or anything, but let someone know what's going on without getting too involved because it's not your business. But, you could really save someone's life.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Paul- " Super Eaters"

English 3
Mr. Dalsis

"Super Eaters"

You go to the bathroom, stand up over the toilet, waiting for it to come up, you stick your finger down you throat. Then BLARGG!!! All your lunch is right in front of you in the toilet. After you wash your mouth out, and get in the bed with the biggest headache in the world you wonder what you ate to make you puke. "It was my lunch!" you exclaim to yourself laying on the bed.Is it really the junk food or is it the fact that your eating too much of it? This essay will tell you all the causes and effects on eating too much junk food.

People eat poorly for a number of reasons, but there are two main reasons why I believe that they tend to eat junk food, even though they know that it is not good for them and also potentially doing them harm.

The first is that junk food is available, it's present, it's around, it's easy to pick up, I could get a Dr. Pepper and a chocolate bar without treading a hundred footsteps from my front door. If you look at any shop, the junk food is on display, because it's no good for us and the sugar industries really need us to keep eating that sweet gunk.

 Second, Sugar is addictive, try coming off a chocolate habit, you'll get cranky, have headaches mood swings, cravings, as if you had a minor addiction. The sweet industry survives on that addiction.

  There are many effects of eating too much junk food, one effect is obesity. 
Obesity is associated with every type of junk food. The main reason is the absence of fiber, high amount of high-fat calories and low quality cholesterol. Which may cause obesity as well as increase risks of heart diseases. Many studies suggest that frequent consumption of soft drinks and other junk food is strongly related with children obesity. Soda drinks which are high in sugar and other calories is low in nutrition and this has been a proved fact that it causes obesity. Though soft drinks companies do not agree with it and say that their are multitude of facts that cause obesity and drinking soda is not the only reason behind it but comparative studies between kids who drink soda in schools and those who do not drink proved that soft drink consumption is increasing obesity in young boys and girls.

  Another is Tooth Decay.  
 Most of the fast food chains and sweetened juices, soft drinks and other processed food companies use low quality fats, sugar and high amount of salt in the processing of food. This can cause problems with teeth. Tooth decay has become very common in young children and the possible reason could be the use of these type of foods.

Simone Freeman "If you Cheat you steal and if you still you kill........."

Simone Freeman
English 4

If you Cheat you steal and if you still you kill.........

The Class Room
"Scribble,Scribble,Scribble." That's the only sound you here the complete room in silence. The kind of quietness that only happens in a school when there's a test. The kids that studied all weekend are breezing through the test. For the kids who didn't and decided to spend the weekend hanging out, they're struggling.
"Alanzo,Keith, bring me your test." That's it its all over they got caught. Why do people cheat? What happens when they get caught? This essay will answer that.

The Student
People cheat for many reasons but one of the most common is that they arent prepared. They didn't study. They were given days to prepare, study, and even ask the teacher. Instead they decided to blow it off, or go hang out with there friends. Since they didn't take the nessecary actions to get them ready for the test they decide to use other methods to get the grade they want. They think cheating is the only solution. But when they cheat there only cheating their selfs.

The Loser
Ok so you cheat. what's the worst that could happen? Well what's the best that could happpen? what do you really get out of cheating? The best thing that could happen if you are cheating is that you get caught. Most people would probally think of this as the worst thing that could happen. But when you get caught bet you wont do it agian. Cheating isnt helping anybody not the teacher, not the person your cheating off of, not you, and deffinatly not your education.

The Education
The number one rule of cheating is simple: don't get caught. I guess a lot of people don't know this rule since they they do the exact oppisite. If you cheat you sacraficing your own eduction. When your cheating and you get caught you can fail that test, which could make you fail that class, which could make you repeat that grade. Ok so you have to repeat that class. Well what's worse than cheating and geting caught? The answer is simple: cheating and not getting caught. Ok well we see the smart one in the situation right? The one who followed the number one rule.......well accually arent you the dumb one?

 The worst thing about cheating is well........that your stupid. You can't go back and retake course that you cheated on. So you'll just go on not knowing something that could have helped you in the future. That's why I picked this topic. To inform all the idiots stupid enough to try and cheat and the lucky one's who got caught in the act. If you just simply study you wouldent need to cheat. You wouldent need to do that because you would know everything that your supposto. You wouldent need to to that low a level. You can at least get an F by not knowing the answers instead of the teacher having to give it to you for cheating.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Long Term Effects- Amiah Burner

Amiah Burner
English 1
Mr. Dalsis

The Long Term Effect of-Why Did Yor Choose Your Major
Money now is what everyone needs to servive in the world and education is the only way you can get it. Education is so impotant and epencive!!! Think of how you want all thoese cars and houese, how do you thing your going to pay for them? I asked this to some of my younger family member and they didnt know how to answer the question. I ues to think that I had the world in the palm of my hand and its true. From the very second a child is born they have choieses to make and its up to them to make the right ones. Even if someone has a bad backround, they have to take their life into their own hands. With drive, and determination that will give a person the greatest gift in the world, the gift is their life that is as easy as breathing. The long term effect is the choices you make in your life to make it simple for you, and no one can take that away from you.

Amiah Burner- Why did you choose your major?

Amiah Burner
English 1
Mr. Dalsis
"Its That Time Of Year!!!"

For some students it's time for them to choose a major in college. These are some questions I asked students at Wayne State University.  What major did you choose? Why did you choose it? Are the classes your taking what you expected? Some students choses it after their major after their first two years or in the middle of their second or third year of college.  If it were me I would choose my major in the beginning of my second year, because you have to go through general math, science, social studies, and language arts for the first year if college. Hopefully when a person chooses their major is they know what they want to do for a life time. Some people do other things from what they studied. It's been said that its's always good to be able to do more than one thing, career basis. I truely believe that. What would you do?

The Short Term Effect Amiah Burner

Amiah Burner
English 1
Mr. Dalsis
The short term effects for-Why Did You Choose Your Major.

It's been told people do other things career wise that had nothing to do what they went to college for. Some people think that the may be better to do something else that they like to do and turn to what they went to college for to fall back on, others tend to do what they were taught to do. For example if you wanted to be an artist you would take art, and sculpting classes not medical classes.  People do things differently than other, that makes life better or easier for them. In some interviews at Wayne State University I asked them what they wanted to be and why they chose their major. Most said they wanted to be either a nurse, doctor, or a lawyer, but they may want to do other things later in life. Is there a main reason why they said those things? I'll tell you the answer, its money, to suvive in this world you have to have money to provivd for yourself. The short effect it that you will have to haave a open mind to what they really want in life.

Atlantis Johnson "Succeeding through Cheating "

Atlantis Johnson
English 4
Mr. Dalsis

                                                   Turning on to Cheating Street

   Kids, I will come around and check your homework in about five minutes. Hey, hey Justin did you do last nights homework? Yea bro why, you need it or something? Yea, can I see it please? Yea here you go. Thanks. This is a conversation of students cheating. As the teacher walks around the room the boy Demar gets his homework done and gives its back to Justin before the teacher knows it. Some people wonder why do students cheat. What are the negative effects? What are the positive effects if there are any? What are the effects of the negative effects? Well, in this paper we will get to answer these questions.

                                                     Riding Down Cheating Street

   What could possibly cause students to cheat? Some reasons that could cause students to cheat could be that they don't understand the work and are to scared and embarrassed to ask because they may be made out as dumb and/or made fun of. Another reason might be that the student is lazy. A lot of students cheat because of the pressure. The pressure could be from their parents pressuring to do well in school and the student can't fully meet their parents expectations and they know someone ho can so they cheat to make their parents happy.

                                    Road of Success turn right, Road of Failure turn left

    Cheating will help you get a good grade, but it will NOT help you get a good understanding of the work. When you cheat you don't think of what will happen down the road, but a lot could happen, you could turn left on to the road of failure which is a very bumpy road and you can blow a tire and be stranded without any help. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that cheating will get you no where but somewhere without any help. For example, You can make it into college but when you get there you really wouldn't understand the work because you copied off someone else's instead of actually trying to understand it, so you don't know how to do the work. If you don't know how to do the work it will be very hard on you (especially because you're in college), and you could fail the class, if you fail majority of your classes you could be kicked out of college or you can even make the decision to drop out. When you make a u-turn and see how you turned left down the road of failure instead or turning right down the road of success, you think to yourself that you never thought that all of this could happen to you.

                                                        Dead End Ahead NO U-Turns Allowed

     If you hit a dead end and you can't turn back to correct what you have done wrong then you are in for a very bumpy bumpy ride. If you drop out of college or get kicked out of college either way it goes life will not be the best for you. Due to your actions you have no where to go no one to turn to and no way you could go back and   make it all right in time. Since you can't correct what you did you are stuck working at McDonalds flipping burgers, frying fries, and saying "order 47 is ready, order 47 is ready". Since you work at a place where you don't get paid much you're stuck living at a place that's not much. You always dreamed of living in a big house with a husband/wife and some kids, but what man/woman wants a man/woman who can't do anything with their life. So you can end up working at job that has something to do with bagging bags or cooking fast food, which is really nothing, so at the end of the day it really makes you and your life a big nothing.

                                                      Before You Get On The Road

   What, I'm trying to really explain and make clear to you is that if you cheat you might be succeeding at the moment, but when you actually start traveling down the road you are going to be stuck  at a dead end. Once you hit this dead end you can't move through it and you can't turn around. So, before you ride down cheating street and turn on to the road of failure just remember this, cheating gets you NOWHERE, but doing your work on your own gets you SOMEWHERE.