Selene Clark
English 4
Mr. Dalsis
A large crowd swarms the limousine like buzzing flies. Shouts fill the air of those that who beg to be noticed and others of those interested in hearing the latest gossip. Security guards work fiercely to detain the oncoming mob. Cameras flash, desperate to catch a glimpse of the darkened silhouette through the tinted windows. The limousine pulls away from the determined paparazzi, speeding down the street into the night, leaving the injured in it's wake in order to protect it's precious cargo.
What causes people to become so infatuated with a celebrity? What makes celebrities famous? We as people- as humans, always want to be noticed. When it comes to celebrities, regular people like to feel as though they can relate to that person. These people often look at the celebrity as of someone that's down to earth, yet as someone that's special and abnormal at the same time. We need to understand that this is too much to expect of one person. That they are only human. The way celebrities are portrayed can also effect how a regular person sees themselves. For example, girls might watch female celebrities on the television and think that that's how a young lady should behave. Stereotypes can damage young children's self esteem and make them feel inferior if they don't look, or act the same way as the people they see on T.V.
Celebrities are just like regular people, they are only stuck in the unforgiving spotlight of fame. Maybe we are so interested in celebrities because of what we think we know about them. Maybe because we want to be them. Being famous- being a celebrity, is every kid's dream. But Hollywood is not the land of milk and honey. In the life of fame, celebrities are forced to wear a mask and hide their true identities from the world. We spend our time reaching for the dream of fame and fortune, but sadly we don't find this out until it's too late. By then the famous are swallowed up into a cruel world of spotlight and scathing criticism. In the world of fame, the old are replaced by the new. The regular admire, and the famous stare back, unseeing through a mask.
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